Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Winter is Coming

I sure hope this song came to mind when you read the header: Dun dun duhduh dun dun duhduh dun dun duhduh duuuuuuuuuuuuun duuuuuuuun duuuuuuuuuu dududududun dun dun dun dun dundudndundudn and of course it’s the best show out there!!!  For any of you that are clueless right now I’m talking about Game of Thrones, if you aren’t addicted I highly recommend binge watching this show to get caught up on what is a regular conversation piece anywhere you go. 

Lately I’ve been hearing around the office, Winter is Coming, time to get the kiddies new clothes and get prepared.  I want to say, prepared for what—you have no idea what winter is.  Their winter from June to Aug is Low: 50 degrees F and High: 74 degrees F.  I know I don’t experience the winters like they do in Minnesota and upper New York, but I am from the Midwest and we do get snow (sometimes lots of snow) and ice and sometimes we can’t leave our houses when it gets so bad.  These folks don’t even get snow, so I find it hilarious when they say Winter is Coming.  If there are any Australian’s reading this, I am not ripping on you—I actually find it cute when I hear you say this:) 

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